The Soloist Initiative program is designed to provide Intermediate and Upper Division dancers (Levels 2B-6B) with an opportunity to learn and perform classical and/or contemporary ballet solos.* Participating students retain and work with a private coach selected from the MYB faculty by the Artistic Directors.

Private lessons will take place once weekly for each solo. Solos will be presented twice during the year: at an in-studio “work in progress” showcase (February), and the Annual Student Showcase (June). Soloist Initiative participants may also be offered the opportunity to participate in certain international ballet competitions throughout the year at the discretion of the MYB Artistic Staff.

There will be a one-time registration fee of $50.00 per year for this program. Additionally, private coaching fees will be charged monthly in addition to the dancers’ regular tuition. For details, please refer to the Registration and Tuition section of the MYB website for fees.

The Soloist Initiative Program is designed as a full school year educational program. Late participants will not be accepted into the program. Interested students should speak to the Artistic Staff about participation for the upcoming year by the beginning of September at the latest. This will give the MYB Artistic Directors and faculty members time to assess the readiness of all Soloist Initiative candidates. The final decision as to whether a dancer should participate the Soloist Initiative Program for any given school year is strictly at the discretion of the MYB Artistic staff and faculty team.**

Registration Deadline for the Soloist Initiative program is Friday, September 27, 2024.

*Middle Division dancers may be considered for the program on a case by case basis. Please do not hesitate to make you/your dancer’s interest in the program known to the Artistic staff and faculty team.

**There may be cases when it is determined that a dancer would be better served waiting another school year before participating in this very demanding program. Please make note that as always, it is the desire of the MYB Artistic Directors and MYB Faculty team to ensure the best possible long-range outcome of a dancer’s education. We kindly ask that you entrust us and our determinations.